My name is Alexandra Besoain

I am a Language Coach in the German Language and I offer individual, online and institutional language coaching at all levels.

German Language Coaching

I offer a training at all levels to private and corporate customers seeking to improve their German proficiency.

German Diction Coaching

As a classical singer or a student of singing, the German repertoire will be an essential part of your career.

Are you looking for an alternative to “normal” Language Learning?
I am a linguist and work according to the Neurolanguage Coaching® method to enhance Language Learning through Coaching and Neuroscience. This way I help you discover your fullest potential in language. And most probably it will be the beginning of a journey that will also change you!

German Language Coaching for all Students and Professionals

Language training at all levels (A1-C2) to private and corporate customers seeking to improve their German proficiency, customised to their main goals and reflecting their operating environment.

Institutional German Language Coaching for Opera and University

Coaching on institutional level, implementing individual or coursework to prepare a musical production or support students in areas of study that include the German language.

German Language Coaching for Musicians

Focused German Language learning by using tools of musical training and building the language learning process around personalized themes from the area of music. Preparing for entrance and studies at German conservatories.

German Lyrical Diction Coaching

Guidance for classical singers and students of singing learning the pronunciation and meaning of German singing repertoire and introducing just the appropriate amount of language understanding.

What qualifies me?

I am a native German and English Speaker.

I hold two Master's degrees, in Anthropology and Linguistics from Bonn University and German as a Foreign Language from Mainz University.

I am a certified Neurolanguage Coach®, accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF).

I have had 10+ years of experience teaching German and English at universities and other institutions.

I have a deep understanding of classical music, having studied piano, recorder, harp and ballet.

I am experienced in intercultural environments having been raised in a bilingual home and having lived in Chile for the past 10 years.

I speak German, English and Spanish fluently and can coach in these three languages.


How many coaching sessions do I need?
That depends entirely on your goal. After an initial goal setting it will be part of the learning process to review goals and achievement and discuss the progress.
How long is one session?
The length of a general language coaching session is 60 minutes. Diction Coaching is usually given in 90 minute-sessions.
In which language is the coaching?
I coach in German, English or Spanish. You can choose.
Do I need to buy any learning material?
No. The material used is available for free and you can also bring along your own material.
Do I need a basic level of German for Diction Coaching?
No. There is no previous knowledge required.
How does online coaching work?

It is very simple. You need a computer with a camera, high speed internet and a google mail account to be able to use the google applications.

1. Contact me via email and tell me what you require.
2. We then set a time for a first free coaching assessment.
3. Connect to the link of the video call on the agreed time and date.
4. Schedule a regular time with me to begin.
5. Pay the session in advance by PayPal or bank transfer.
5. Connect for your coaching session at our agreed time.

I am am not a musician, can I also learn German with you?
Of course. I would be delighted to hear from you.
How do I pay?

It is possible to pay by Paypal or a national or international bank transfer. Payment is in advance. Invoices and receipts are sent via email.

That´s me

Linguist, harp enthusiast, classical music lover, thinker, voyager, dreamer, a lifelong learner!
I am a German Kiwi, born in Germany, to a German father and a New Zealand mother.
I was raised in an international home with three main languages – German, English and Music. All three have always been an integral part of my life, my studies and my work.


“Alexandra es una coach genial! Gracias a ella pude preparar mi certificado B1 para asistir a un Studienkolleg en Alemania. Actualmente estoy estudiando Traducción!”


Estudiante de Traducción, Chile.

“Con Alexandra comencé a entender realmente el alemán, ella siempre busca la forma para explicarte el por qué de las cosas, y aprendiendo así no se olvida más! Gracias a ella pude aprender lenguaje técnico musical en alemán para dar pruebas y entrar a la universidad en Europa.”


Estudiante de Viola, Suiza.

“Alexandra es una excelente profesora, quien tiene un método personalizado muy eficiente e interesante que permite rápidos avances en el aprendizaje del idioma. Después de varias experiencias con diferentes instituciones y profesores de alemán, encontré en Alexandra una gran pedagoga que supo guiarme en el desafío de aprender alemán.”

Francisco Brunner

Master Dirección Orquestal, Universidad de Chile

“A different language is a different vision of life”

– Federico Fellini –

I coach in-person in Santiago, Chile, and online worldwide.
You may contact me in English, German, Spanish or Portuguese.
For more information please send me an e-mail:

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*Neurolanguage Coaching® is a registered US and European trademark in the name of Rachel Marie Paling.